Ayanna Mojica

Ayanna Mojica


Ayanna Mojica, MFA, is Founder of the Feminine Wealth movement. Ms. Mojica is a powerhouse woman of Puerto Rican descent and Clan Mother to the Choctaw Yamassee Muskogee Nation. She is a Scholar, Artist, Spiritual Leader, Successful Business Woman, Santera y Espiritista, High Level Consultant, Strategist, and Mentor to many men, women and emerging young leaders around the world. Ms. Mojica is Founder of The Golden Chalice Mystery School, Priestess of the Magdalen, Daughter of Oshun and Goddess Lakshmi. Many affectionately and respectfully call her “Mama.”


Create Your Wealth Altar ~ A Powerful Energy Vortex for Money
This valuable content covers:
  • Where to place Your Altar
  • What goes on the Altar
  • Offerings for the Money Gods & Goddesses
  • Creating a Money Bowl


“Sex Magic to Increase Wealth” First Edition Ebook

Sex Magic is a pleasurable solo and couples practice and energy technology that can direct of your "Life Force Energy" or your "Sexual Energy" to manifest your desires. This practice is a potent tool to create wealth..

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